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The Death Beats

The Death Beats

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Bass Music producer Gary J Robinson lays downanintensemixof Drum & Bass, Dubstep, Future Bass, House and Synthwave as he slips between hisstudios inthe UK andMexico.Best described as anunstablecocktail of dark cinematic grandeurand retro fuelled synth tones,The Death Beatsmusicstrikes a balance betweenominous atmospherics,sweeping melodies andall outdance-floor chaos.Emerging from the Drum & Bass sceneof the late nineties, Garystartedoutbycollaborating witha numberofgame changingproducersincludingDrumsound & Simon Bassline Smith, Spirit and Total Science.His early releases went on to gain the support of heavy-weight DJssuch asFabio, Goldieand Grooverider.The Death Beats seesGary draw on inspiration fromevery corner of the Dance Musicworldin orderto createhissignature sound.Along the way he’sbeen lucky enough to collaborate witha host oflegendary artists includingCrystalClear, Doctor P,Eric Martin, Yah Kid K and pioneering UK Folk duoHarbottle & Jonas.Arizona based songwriter Alisse Garn, whose vocal talentsunder theguiseof Little Pandahavealsoplayedan important role indefiningThe DeathBeatssound.‘Streets of Rage’, their collaboration with Mexican Drum & Bass producer Isaac Mayawas released on Jessica Audiffred’s A-Recordslabeltoomuch acclaim and is generally considered to be the first Synthwave Drum & Bass anthem.In addition to rocking airwaves and dance floorsGary’smusicisregularlyfeaturedinfilmand TV,withcreditsinmoviessuch asEliminators,How BruceLee Changed The World,Playmobil The Movie, Timefreakandthe Daniel BenmayorfilmTracersas well asTV showsincludingBeauty & The Beast,Chicago Fire,Madame Secretary, Shamelessand The Magicians.His portfolio also includes a number of popular reality shows such asKeepingup withtheKardashians, Life of Kylie and Selling Sunset.TheDeath Beatscontinue to lay down adynamic selectionof upfront electronic music in the style of artistsincludingDimension,Diskord, Nero,SubFocusandThe Prodigy



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